V.I.S.A. is The HBCU Career Center’s signature career exploration framework that stands for Values, Interests, Skills and Abilities.

Dr. Marcia Robinson developed The Real V.I.S.A. acronym almost 15 years ago to help people she coached realize the value in how these four factors influence our life and career choices.  This form of Honest Yearly Personal Exploration (H.Y.P.E.) is critical for career and life growth.  Discovering our own personal Real V.I.S.A. is only one component of our 5-Point Career Development Model .

The bottom line is that the more we understand our personal preferences, the better we will be able to make career, work and life decisions.

How to Discover the Real V.I.S.A.

Career assessment tools are great for helping us discover our V.I.S.A . Below are free or low cost career assessment tools.  This list is not exhaustive.  While you can do many independently, it’s best to have a career coach to help you interpret the assessment findings.

Career Assessments

Big FIVE Personality Test

This career assessment has 50 items to be rated on a 5-point scale. The Big Five assessment takes less than 10 minutes to complete.

Career Wise

This survey takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete. This survey rates activities people enjoy, personal qualities, and academic subjects of interest. Career Wise then clusters career areas based on personal likes.

Clifton Strengths

You may know this test by the name StrengthsFinder.  This talent assessment is offered by the Gallup organization.  This assessment will help you discover what you naturally do best, learn how to develop those talents and use your results to effectively live your best life.


DISC is a well-known and widely used self assessment. Discovering one’s dominant personality style results from using this popular tool.  DISC looks at your decisiveness, interactiveness, stability and cautiousness.

Holland Code 

This is a free, 10 minute test that will give you valuable insights on your interests and how those interests could translate into career and work success.  Most career centers can help you take the Holland Code test and will explain the results.

Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI)

The The Leadership Challenge (LPI) is based on the work by two leadership experts. This is not recommended for students. It is recommended for professionals with work experience with a 360 degree look at your leadership skills. We highly recommend the LPI for leadership growth (best for Alumni, Working Professionals).

Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

The MBTI assessment is used by millions of people worldwide annually. The MBTI is available through many college career centers. According to the creators of the MBTI, “development can be achieved at any age by anyone who cares to understand his or her own gifts and the appropriate use of those gifts.” (Source is Isabel Briggs Myers, Founder of the MBTI via MyersBriggs.org)

My Next Move

This is another interest profiler that is based on the US Department of Labor’s O*Net Database.  It connects your results directly to the US workforce, job duties, tasks and skills required for almost every job.

Values Worksheet 

This Values Worksheet is a product of University of San Diego.  It helps you identify your personal values and helps you connect those values with your work and career choices. 

Research Your Dream Career

The HBCU Career Center’s career insights tool helps you research different lines of work, salary expectations and what skills you need to advance in your dream feild.