The Importance of Transferable Skills in Your Job Search


Transferable skills are essential in today’s job market. They are the versatile abilities that you can apply across various roles and industries, making you a valuable candidate no matter the job. These skills are not just for the job hunt; they represent an ongoing freshness that you need to maintain throughout your career. Learning how to explain your transferable skills is especially important if you are changing careers.

Identifying Transferable Skills

So what is a transferable skill you ask? These are job skills and personal attributes and behaviors that are applicable across many jobs, across many industries. According to the US Department of Labor, the top transferable skills for 2024 include:

Critical thinking




You can see how these are skills that employers across many industries and professions might find valuable, compared to technical skills that are specific only to certain industries.

Critical thinking, for example, could be relevant in retail in terms of creating customer solutions and solving client problems. Or, in the context of the software industry, critical thinking might refer to how you think about designing or implementing software solutions. You should be able to demonstrate transferable skills effectively in interviews and on your resumes as they would apply in your industry and career of choice. So if you are adaptable in the retail sector, could you apply adaptability in the hospitality sector or in higher education? Of course. 

Demonstrating Transferable Skills

  1. On LinkedIn: Your LinkedIn profile should continuously reflect these skills. Share content and engage in discussions that highlight your expertise in these areas of skill transfer. This ongoing engagement shows potential employers that you are current and active in your field.

  2. In Your Resume: Clearly articulate how you have used these skills in past roles. Use specific examples to show how your critical thinking solved problems, how your communication skills facilitated team success, how your leadership drove projects forward, and how your adaptability helped you to navigate change.

  3. In Job Interviews: Be prepared with stories and examples (Check out our Interview Like a P.R.O. video course) that will demonstrate your proficiency in these transferable skills. Employers want to see how you have applied these skills in real-world situations and how you can bring that experience to their organization.

Maintaining a focus on transferable skills ensures that you remain a competitive candidate in the ever-evolving job market. By consistently updating and showcasing these skills, you can enhance your career prospects and stay relevant in your field.

Related article: Four Steps to Marketing Transferable Skills in a Job Interview — The HBCU Career Center

Dr. Marcia F. Robinson, SPHR, SHRM-SCP is the CEO of The HBCU Career Center. She’s an award-winning HR and leadership expert with 25 years of experience in HR and Career Development Education. Known as Dr. R, she’s on a mission to make workplaces more inclusive and to help professionals find welcoming spaces that align with their V.I.S.A. (Values, Interests, Skills and Abilities).