Shimeka Williams is Helping Black Women Transition into More Fulfilling Careers
Photo from LinkedIn/shimekafullerwilliams
Shimeka Williams is providing valuable career guidance for Black women transitioning into new careers confidently, especially for professionals who have been on a particular career path for a long time.
Williams began career coaching after 20 years of working in a job that didn’t satisfy her. After college, Williams landed in a trap that many of us can relate to — while she acquired a job that paid her bills, it didn’t take her long to realize she wasn’t fulfilled (
After making a successful transition herself, Williams used her passion for helping others to found her company, Liberated Living LLC.
Liberated Living LLC, is a company that aims to help professional women “create the life [they] desire.” The company offers educational and empowering content, consulting services, and products to help women reimagine their lives.
Liberated Living LLC’s founder recently debuted her book, “The Confident Switch”, which is meant for career professionals looking to switch careers but aren’t sure what steps they should take.
Here’s a part of the synopsis (via Amazon):
“In The Confident Switch, Shimeka Williams presents readers with a clear and insightful guide to finding their most fulfilling career. First, with an emphasis on mindset, she tackles the myths that keep people stuck in unfulfilling jobs and provides a step-by-step process for identifying and pursuing your ideal. Then, she answers 10 of the most commonly asked questions among career changers and offers valuable advice and tips to help navigate the process of making a career pivot.”
Visit Liberated Living LLC to learn more about Shimeka’s business, and check out her book on Amazon.