Pepper's 5K Startup Grant Returns for a Fourth Year


Pepper first started when the co-founders took $5K out of their personal savings to turn the initial idea of better fitting bras for small-chested women into a Kickstarter project. (Spoiler alert: It was a success!) As two women of color and first-time founders, they are now paying it forward in the form of a no strings attached $5K grant. 💸 And that's not all: they are *also* giving Black women and non-binary business owners access to their networks, resources, and mentorship opportunities. 

This is Pepper's fourth year in a row doing this, and they are READY to hear all about your amazing businesses and award one recipient $5K (The top five finalists will get a spotlight moment on their social media, too!) 

Applications are open NOW through August 23rd so head on over to to learn more! 

Winners of the 5K grant will also receiving the following benefits:

  • Mentorship calls with the Founders of Pepper

  • Dedicated promotion on Pepper’s social media accounts

  • Access to consultations with experts in legal, fundraising, finance, marketing, website, and relevant fields as needed, to address your specific needs

Apply Here

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