HBCUs with Architecture Programs


Here, we'll highlight Historically Black Colleges and Universities that offer architecture programs. Many of them  are accredited by National Architectural Accreditation Board (NAAB)

Florida A&M University – Tallahassee, FL

FAMU's Bachelor of Architecture is accredited by the NAAB. Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies pre-professional program are eligible for admission into one of the professional programs, Bachelor of Architecture or Masters of Science in Architecture: Facility Management. The Master of Architecture degree offers two tracks: a two year path for students with a four year pre-professional degree in architecture and a three and a half year path for students without a pre-professional degree in architecture.

Hampton University – Hampton, VA

Hampton offers a 5 year Master of Architecture degree and has been accredited by the NAAB since 2004. Hampton's program offers many programs for students pursuing this degree. UDream is a program designed to increase underrepresented practitioners of architecture and design through supporting students with academics and internships. 

This HBCU also offers an International Urban Studies Travel Abroad Program upon successful completion of students' third year. 

Howard University – Washington, DC

Howard recently changed its program from a five year professional Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch.) to a five-year professional Master of Architecture (M. Arch) degree program. The major shift of this NAAB-approved program is that the final three semesters will require students to focus on research. This HBCU also offers a Bachelor Science in Architecture and Design Studies program.

Morgan State University – Baltimore, MD

Morgan State offers a Bachelor of Science in Architecture and Environmental Design, an accelerated Masters of Architecture degree through a 3+2 program and a Ph.D. in Architecture, Urbanism, and Built Environments. In March 2023, Morgan's Architecture students studied abroad for 10 days in the Netherlands. The City of Rotterdam, where the students engaged in cross cultural experiences, is known for its modern architecture.  

Prairie View A&M University – Prairie View, Texas

Prairie View students can earn a Bachelor of Science or Masters of Architecture. This HBCU offers incoming freshmen an opportunity to study architecture in a pre-freshman summer program called Architectural Concept Institute. Prairie View also has an Architecture Enrichment Concepts (ARTEC) pre-college summer program for high school sophomores and juniors exploring careers in architecture, construction science, art and digital media.

Tennessee State University – Nashville, Tennessee

Tennessee State University offers a BS in Architectural Engineering. Architectural Engineers "plan, design, construct and maintain buildings." These engineers are primarily responsible for designing various systems including structural, heating, cooling, and fire protection systems. 

Tuskegee University–Tuskegee, Alabama

Tuskegee's The Taylor School of Architecture and Construction Science (TSACS) "is named after Robert Robinson Taylor, the first accredited African-American architect, and the first Black to receive an Architecture degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)." Taylor designed the pre-1932 buildings on campus and was responsible for developing the architecture program. Tuskegee's five year undergraduate program is accredited by the NAAB. This requires two pre-Architecture years as well as a portfolio prior to admission into the Professional Program beginning the 3rd year. Tuskegee also offers an African American History in Architecture Minor. 

University of the District of Columbia- Washington, DC

UDC's Urban Architecture program offers a Bachelors in Architecture and two Masters of Architecture options (Track 1 for students with an architecture degree and Track II for those with a non-architecture undergraduate degree). Both of their Masters of Architecture programs are accredited by the NAAB.

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