Michigan’s Governor Signs Bill to Reopen the State’s Only HBCU


HBCU supporters in Michigan and across the country are rejoicing as it was recently announced that Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed two bills to re-open the state’s only HBCU. The governor signed House Bill 5447 and House Bill 5448, which will re-establish Detroit’s HBCU, the Lewis College of Business and Design, as reported by MLive.

Governor Whitmer made the following statement about the significant decision in a press release:

“I am proud to play a part in helping reopen the Pennsole Lewis College of Business and Design in Detroit,” he said. “I am committed to expanding educational opportunities for Michiganders across our state to put Michigan first.”

The two bills were sponsored by Representative Joe Tate of Detroit and Representative Pamela Hornberger of Chesterfield.

“I was proud to work with colleagues on both sides of the aisle and the governor to have an HBCU back in the city of Detroit,” Rep. Tate said. “I look forward to seeing the Pensole Lewis College of Business and Design create valuable opportunities for its students and businesses across Michigan and Detroit.”

It was announced back in October 2021 that former NIKE designer and founder of PENSOLE Design Academy, Dr. D’Wayne Edwards, had plans to reopen Lewis College of Design to help connect students to opportunities in the fashion and design industry. In addition, the school aims to limit the financial stresses of students by providing tuition-free courses and delivering collaborations with big brands like NIKE, New Balance, Asics, and many more. 

The school permanently closed back in 2013 but will have its first cohort of students in March 2022.

Dr. Edwards made the following response to the big announcement:

“Thank you to Governor Whitmer and all our partners for helping the grandchildren of Violet T. Lewis, Pensole, and College for Creative Students establish an HBCU in the state of Michigan.”

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