Michelle Obama Has a Podcast

Michelle Obama has a podcast

Michelle Obama has a podcast

Maybe you have heard and maybe you haven’t, but Michelle Obama has a podcast!

The internet has been buzzing with the news. By the way, the internet buzzes with news of everything she does. So the news that Michelle Obama has a podcast, was no different. Just think about the buzz about the gold V.O.T.E. necklace she wore for her recorded speech, as she capped off the first night of the 2020 Democratic National Convention.

Based on the post launch buzz, the podcast has been delivering so far!

Of course Mrs. Obama would have access to top tier talent like her husband, former President Barack Obama. It’s only fair that he would be her first guest in a 48 minute interview. In subsequent episodes she has taken on current affairs topics like Protests and the Pandemic or What your Mother Never Told you About Health. Always inspiring, I am positive Mrs. Obama's podcast episodes are going to bring us authentic conversations that will elevate our collective consciousness.

Career benefits of podcasting

So now that Michelle Obama has a podcast, I thought it was time I wrote about the potential value of podcasts in building your own personal career profiles. Not that Mrs. Obama needs any help in that area and I am sure her goal for podcasting was not to do that. However, for many movers and shakers, the podcast has been a career launcher or game changer. The Washington Post lists career benefits of podcasts as networking with people who you want to get to know and exposing podcasters to potential new clients.  If you have a side hustle in this gig economy, those could be important.  Other potential career benefits of a podcast include:

  • Staying current in a career field you care about.

  • Becoming known as an expert.

  • Building technology skills and speaking skills.

If you are thinking about starting your own podcast to spring board your career, our advice is that you start by listening to a few. Then make a list of what you like, what you wouldn’t want to do, which platforms are available and decide on your niche. Include Michelle Obama’s new podcast on Spotify in your research. 

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