Green Jobs Continue to Explode


A recent study revealed that the US green economy generates $1.3 trillion and created 9.5 million of workers.  To document some of the growth in this sector, the Bureau of Labor Statistics developed the Green Jobs Initiative a few years ago.  The goal was to develop and publish information in three areas. First, on the number of workers and trend over time of workers in green jobs. Second was to document the industrial, occupational, and geographic distribution of the jobs. Third was to collect and publish the information on the wages of the workers across these green jobs.

For the millions of job seekers who want to explore green jobs, internships and careers as students and as working professionals, the initiative's website is a good resource to start research.

The website offers an impressive database of resources, FAQs and data about green jobs in the production of goods or services that benefit the environment and conserve our natural resources. 

Where to Find Green Jobs?

If you are exploring green jobs consider looking in the following occupations for opportunities.

  • Renewable energy and generation

  • Energy trading and storage

  • Environmental protection and agriculture

  • Green construction and manufacturing

  • Transportation

  • Recycling and waste reduction

  • Governmental and regulatory administration

  • Research design and consulting

National Geographic identified the 11 fastest growing green jobs listed below. Find these jobs on O*Net to learn about the details of wages, training requirements and skills required to succeed in these jobs.

  • Water quality technicians

  • Clean car engineers

  • Recyclers

  • Natural scientists

  • Green builders

  • Solar cell technicians

  • Green design professionals

  • Wave energy producers

  • Wind energy workers

  • Bio fuel jobs

If you are on the campus of a Historically Black College or University (HBCU), consider getting involved with the HBCU Green Fund.  The organization relies on crowdfunding and donor support for resources. The fund will help to finance campus projects that cut energy and water usage—and thus, energy costs--on HBCU campuses.
