How to Decide If You’re Ready to Assume a Managerial Role
Photo by Alexander Suhorucov from Pexels
Assuming a managerial role is a huge milestone to accomplish in your career. Whether it comes within a few months or a couple of years, accepting a leadership position is a significant responsibility that requires being personable and a team leader. In addition, having this experience on your resume shows future employers your ability to manage a team efficiently. However, despite the many benefits of being a manager, not everyone can effectively assume such a role.
Use the following questions to determine if you’re fit to become a manager.
What are your true intentions in moving into management?
Take time to think about your reason for desiring a managerial role. For example, do you want a salary increase? Would you like to be the go-to person to resolve issues among employees and clients? Or, do you just like the idea of having power over people? Your intentions going into a managerial role should lead to professional development and success for your company, not for any selfish reasons.
Have you met your goals in your current role?
If you haven’t met your goals in your current role, you’re not ready to become a manager. In addition, not successfully executing your responsibilities lessens your chances of being offered a managerial position, as the company’s leaders won’t believe you’ll be successful in a higher-level role (Fast Company). Assess your current job success and relationships with your co-workers and leaders before considering a managerial position.
Can you be a true leader?
A significant characteristic of a manager is being a team leader. When you assume a managerial role, you’ll no longer be able to think about yourself solely. Instead, you’ll need to consider how certain decisions can affect the entire team. Be open to developing solid relationships with your employees and co-workers to encourage collaboration and success within the organization.
Ready to start applying to managerial roles? Use our Career Toolkit to brush up on your interviewing skills and much more!