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4 Tips for Writing Professional Emails

Photo by Thirdman from Pexels

A key component to a successful career is understanding how to send a professional email. You can have all the experience and skills required for your job duties, but effective email communication can help you be more efficient and in sync with your team. Knowing how to formulate well-written emails is key to developing a professional reputation. Use the following tips to enhance your professional writing skills.

Know your goal

What is the intention of your email? Before writing an email, think about what you want the recipient to do. Once you know the “why” of your email, include important details that support your message. The more specific your email is, the less likely any miscommunication will happen between you and your co-worker or client.

Keep it short 

Lengthy emails with added fluff are off-putting to recipients and lessen the impact of your message. During the editing process, remove unnecessary information from your email. Instead, use short and simple sentences for your professional emails, as you can explain the key points of your message without filler or irrelevant words.

Utilize proper etiquette

It’s recommended that you include a proper greeting and closing in your emails. These simple add-ins to your emails give them a more friendly tone. In addition, remember not to email people during inappropriate times. For example, you should only send emails during regular office hours or once they’ve returned to the office after being on leave unless it's an emergency. If you’re unsure about the best time to communicate with a colleague, don’t be afraid to ask them directly.


Before you hit “send,” be sure to proofread your email for grammatical or formatting errors. This check can take a few seconds or minutes and is well worth it. In addition, if you’ve referenced attachments in your email, double-check that they’ve been included so you won’t need to send a second email. Finally, depending on the gravity of the email’s topic, you can also have your supervisor review your email before sending.

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