3 Work Trends Caused by COVID-19


The world has dealt with so many changes since the COVID-19 pandemic started. Quarantines, vaccines, social distancing, and remote work have become normal topics of conversation in our culture. With the introduction of the pandemic came a change in work environments of thousands of companies across the globe. These three trends are the most notable changes in the workplace caused by COVID-19.

Working Remote

Once the pandemic hit, most businesses completely shut down to protect their workers from coming into contact with or spreading the virus. However, more businesses began to re-open once they realized they could still function in a remote work environment. For some industries, it has been possible to maintain productivity in a virtual environment. With task management apps, virtual video conferencing, and group messaging platforms, it’s easy for co-workers and their supervisors to stay in constant contact without meeting in person. 

Increase in DEI (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion) Careers

Alongside the pandemic, the discussion of racial equity became highly publicized in the summer of 2020 thanks to the Black Lives Matter movement. While there is still so much to do to address racial injustices, more companies than ever before have started to acknowledge that equity and equality among their employees is of the utmost importance. As a result, there has been a significant increase in DEI job opportunities across America throughout the pandemic. 

More Start Ups

With the pandemic, many people lost their jobs because their companies completely shut down for good or cut back on their employees. Losing their one source of income made many workers realize the importance of having an additional income. As a result, many businesses have opened since the beginning of the pandemic in which owners tell a similar story of deciding to start their own business after losing their job. While it seems counterintuitive, more startups have launched in the past year than they have since 2005.

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