Free Resume Feedback

Career assessment tools help you explore what I call your V.I.S.A - Values, Interests, Skills and Abilities.  These are some of the important factors that will influence your life and career choices. The more you know about these factors, the better you will be able to evaluate career options and make decisions. Use the personal exploration links here for free or low cost career assessments. These are by no means the only tools available.  Some of the other popular tools are Focus, Sigi, eDiscover and the Strong Interest Inventory.

Kiersey Temperament Sorter

Jung Typology Test

VALUES Worksheet - UC San Diego


Fergusons Workplace Skills

Resume Guide: How to Look Good on Paper

Everyone must take ownership of their own career plans and personal brand. New graduates and emerging professionals must definitely understand how to become the kind of professional that the labor market needs. Resumes, communication skills, interviewing skills, networking, social media and personal image management are all critical to building a personal brand.

50 Resume writing tips to improve what you have

Interview Like a P.R.O.

25 Twitter Pages Diverse Students and New Grads Should Follow for Career Success

60 Minute Resume Challenge

Expanding your knowledge and awareness of careers and industries is a must for anyone looking to find their place in the current workplace.  This research is how you will know  which skills and competencies are currently in demand and which skills will be in demand in the future. Use the Career and Industry Awareness links to research careers and companies.

Career Insights - Research industries and plan your career

ONET Online - Department of Labor occupational information

Hoovers - Comprehensive business database

Wall Street Journal - News source for latest company information  and - Salary information databases - Easy to read descriptions of jobs and careers

Rutgers University Library - Business information database - List of professional certifications

Career One Stop - Explore careers

Workshop Library

Meaningful, non-trivial professional experiences are a major part of a successful career strategy and impacts your longer term career satisfaction.  Experience can come through work, internships, co-ops, field experiences, volunteer opportunities and even study-abroad.

The HBCU Career Center job board

2015 List of some of my Favorite Internships

Lutheran Volunteer Corps - Global volunteer opportunities for students

Mercy Volunteers - Transform lives and perspectives throughout the world