Union of Concerned Scientists - Featured Employer

The Union of Concerned Scientists is a Featured Employer at The HBCU Career Center.  They are a nonprofit with offices located in Cambridge, MA; Washington DC; Oakland, CA and Chicago, IL.

Their website states the following as their mission:

…”Working to solve some of our planet’s most pressing environmental and safety problems. Our scientists and engineers develop and implement innovative, practical solutions for a healthy, safe, and sustainable future—from combating global warming and developing sustainable ways to feed, power, and transport ourselves, to fighting misinformation, advancing racial equity, and reducing the threat of nuclear war.”

If these types of issues are important to you and you get excited about mission driven work, you should explore the organizations’ vacancies posted at The HBCU Career Center.  They frequently posts internships and career opportunities for their offices throughout the country.

The agency expresses a commitment to diversity and equity in hiring and you can find a complete list of employment benefits on their website.