The Benefits of Attending an HBCU


Historically black colleges and universities, known as HBCUs, were created to provide an educational experience that wasn’t available to African Americans in predominantly white institutions, back when schools with integrated student bodies were the exception rather than the rule. 

HBCUs have experienced dramatic growth over the last few decades; in fact, enrollment at these institutions has increased by more than 50% since 2001. This article explains why attending an HBCU could be right for you.

Take advantage of being in a diverse environment

As a student attending a historically black college or university (HBCU), you’ll have access to a diverse campus environment and meet many people from different cultures. 

Not only will your college experience be enriched, but you’ll also be able to use these relationships later in life.

Being surrounded by other students with similar backgrounds can help create more robust social networks for future business partnerships and personal recommendations. 

Making connections at HBCUs is just one way that attending such schools can provide benefits beyond your academic career.

Get hands-on training from professors

While attending class is essential, so is getting hands-on experience. Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) tend to offer students more direct experience in their field by using various teaching methods like case studies, guest speakers, simulations and internships. 

Since many students are looking for careers in niche fields or with small companies with few employees, those kinds of opportunities can't be replicated at larger schools. 

Many large corporations also have recruitment programs specifically for minority students at historically black colleges and universities because they know that graduates from such institutions are already accustomed to a certain level of diversity in their workforce. 

Be sure to ask your professors what opportunities exist within your program; there might just be something you didn't even realize was available before!

Looking for a job or internship? Create a job alert to connect with employers looking to recruit HBCU talent.