I Need a Mentor

My First Mentor

Need a mentor?

Need a mentor?

Whenever I think about developing a relationship with a mentor, I think to myself, “Hindsight is always 20/20.”

As a new college graduate, I was thrilled to accept an entry-level position at a large, global corporation.

This corporation offered many opportunities for advancement, which included the encouragement of finding a mentor from within.  I saw this chance to network with a mentor as golden.  My relationship with my self-selected mentor quickly grew.  We engaged in conversations of how other entry-level employees volunteered to participate in various projects and, as a result, were promoted to managerial positions.  She critiqued my job performance so I could improve.

My mentor was a supportive role-model.  So, I thought.  Our relationship turned for the worse when I disclosed to my mentor that another co-worker was extremely rude to me.  My co-worker would constantly speak with sarcasm and harshness during our conversations.

I explained to my mentor that I did not enjoy interacting with this co-worker and needed to address this issue.  Without my consent, my mentor immediately called my co-worker and unsympathetically demanded my co-worker to apologize to me over the telephone.  The apology came in a meek, shaky voice, not the voice of a mature woman.  I accepted the apology and returned to work.  My mentor was so proud of her actions.  She smiled from ear-to-ear for the remainder of the day.  But, I was so embarrassed because of my mentor’s inappropriate behavior. The punishment did not match the crime.

The issue with my co-worker needed to be resolved but not in that manner.  I was never able to look the co-worker in her face since the incident.  And, needless to say, my relationship with my mentor ended.

Why You Need a Mentor?

The relationship of a mentee and mentor should be meaningful and resourceful.  The should play a pivotal role in the development of this relationship by implementing the following steps:

  • Select a mentor who wants to participate in a mentee/mentor relationship.   Your mentor should be an experienced professional but not necessarily a professional within your field because some skill sets are universal to all professions and must be mastered regardless of your occupation.

  • Be clear in what you expect from the relationship.  Mentors can play many roles.  A mentor can expand your professional network.  A mentor can assist with the development and implementation your professional growth plan.  A mentor can explain to you the unwritten rules of the work environment and culture.  Or, a mentor can solely provide professional advice on work issues and/or concerns.

  • Specify the amount of time you are willing to devote to the relationship and specify the amount of time you request your mentor to devote to the relationship.

  • A mentor should not be controlling.  The mentor should not demand that you follow his/her actions or advice.  The mentor should not violate the confidentiality that must be maintained in the relationship.

  • The mentee should not misuse the mentor’s name in order to obtain favors.  “If you do not do what I say, I will report you to (Name of Mentor).”  And, similar to the mentor, the mentee must maintain a code of confidentiality.

Over the years, I have developed more fruitful mentee/mentor relationships that truly added to my professional life.  The aforementioned relationship taught me what I should expect and what I should not tolerate, which was a lesson well learned.

Dorothy C. Handfield is Founder/Owner of DCH Consulting Services, LLC.  As a Workforce Consultant, she assists job seekers to transform into highly qualified candidates who get and keep their dream jobs.  Follow: Twitter, Instagram @consultingdch and LinkedIn – Dorothy C. Handfield