Job Interview Tips for New Grads
Job interview tips for new grads
More than 3 million new grads pick up college degrees every spring. Only about a quarter (24%) of these new grads are planning to head to grad school. Some new grads travel and explore, but most of these new grads head straight into the job market. One of the biggest job search hurdles for new grads will be the job interview. Therefore I assembled this reading list of job interview tips for new grads.
Before the Job Interview
Do your research and expand your career and industry awareness. One of the biggest complaints from recruiters? New grads who come to the job interview knowing nothing about their company.
Do mock interview at your campus career center. Even if your career center doesn't mention mock interviews on their website, ask anyway.
Online behavior can kill your career! Cleaning up your digital dirt must be a part of your job search strategy.
Make a list of questions you will ask in the job interview. Write down your job interview questions so you don't forget them during the interview.
How new grads should dress for job interview success. Bottom line is that new grads in the job interview should dress a little on the conservative side.
Learn job search terminology and about the types of job interviews. Knowing the types of job interviews the recruiter could use, will help you prepare.
During the Job Interview
I have used this job interview technique with new grads for years. Could it work for you. Learn about how to Interview Like a P.R.O.
Should I ask questions in the Job Interview? The answer is a resounding YES!
Could you answer these interesting job interview questions? compiled this great list of job interview questions actually used by companies. They will get your brain moving.
How College Grads Turn Recruiters off in the Job Interview. The last thing you want is to inadvertently turn off a recruiter because of a bad habit you displayed in the job interview. Don't be the perfect candidate who doesn't get a call back.
Research what skills employers want from new grads. If you know what these things are, you can prepare your best stories for the job interview.
You might have to explain a low GPA at the job interview. How would you do it?
Don't think you have anything to share? New grads should talk about projects in the job interview.
After the Job Interview
Be ready for the second round job interview
Write a Thank-You letter after the job interview
New grads should know that their job interview skills have a direct relationship to how long it will take them to land a job. Spend the time doing the research and improving skills before, during and after the job interview.