How to Succeed as a College Student and Entrepreneur


While being a college student and entrepreneur is fantastic, learning to manage your studies and business is not an easy task. As a graduate student and freelance content creator for the last two years, I learned many lessons that have allowed me to succeed during my studies while also thriving as an entrepreneur. If you’re a student and entrepreneur trying to find balance in your life, use these tips to help you excel at school and in your business. 

Here are some tips I’ve learned that you can use to work efficiently as both a college student and business owner:

Manage Your Time Efficiently

Procrastination is my worst enemy, as I still battle against binge-watching YouTube videos and working on school and freelance work. Therefore, I’m still learning how to manage my time. Time management is a skill that takes a while to understand and incorporate into your everyday life. Take the time to analyze your daily schedule and prioritize the tasks that matter the most to you. 

Use a Planner (virtual or physical)

I live by my planner. I write everything from my doctors’ appointments to school assignments and project deadlines. I’m old-school, so I prefer to physically write down everything, as I believe that it helps me remember what I need to do each day. So, whether you use the Apple or Google Calendar, or a physical planner like me, have a place where you keep track of your assignments, tasks, appointments, etc., so you don’t forget anything that you need to do. 

Don’t Take on too Many Projects at Once

Always avoid overwhelming yourself with a bunch of assignments and projects. At the beginning of my freelancing journey, I took on every project offered. This was a horrible decision, as I was stretched thin trying to finish writing projects while taking three graduate courses at once. Make sure you know your limits, and don’t be afraid to say “no” to projects. If you have a business where you sell products, set a limit to how many orders you take at once to avoid getting burned out. 


With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic encouraging many people to start their businesses, you’d be surprised as to how many of your classmates are entrepreneurs as well. I’ve met several people who own their businesses while taking classes. Take the opportunity to network with them, as it can not only lead to a friendship but possibly other options that can help your business thrive. 

Apply your College Skills to Your Business

Are you a good writer? Do you excel in public speaking? These skills can be applied to your business. For example, I was told that I was an excellent writer which led me to thinking it would be a great idea to pursue freelance writing. The skills you’ve gained in college or other experiences can be applied to your business differently.

Don’t Let your Business Affect Your Grades.

It’s easy to become consumed with your business to a point where school becomes your second priority. However, no matter how successful your business is or becomes, college should be your primary focus until you graduate. If your grades begin to drop significantly, put your business on hold until you’re able to handle both responsibilities.

Schedule Off Days

Burn-out is common among college students, given all of the all-nighters that happen around midterms and finals. Adding in the responsibility of managing a business can increase your chances of burnout. To reduce or eliminate burnout, pick one or two off days during the week. These days, you should do the things you enjoy to help you relax. For me, I take the weekends off to watch documentaries, journal and spend time with my family. 

Practice Self-care

This tip follows along with number 7, as self-care can be practiced during your off days. Being a college student and entrepreneur are both time-consuming efforts that can take a toll on your physical and mental health. Therefore, you must give yourself a break occasionally to relax and recharge. 

Here are some ideas for practicing self-care:

  • Journaling

  • Listening to music

  • Meditating

  • Reading

  • Taking your dog for a walk

  • Talking to a friend or family member

Being a college student while managing a business is a triumphant accomplishment you should be proud of. It’s a challenging experience, but it’s worth it as you are your boss bringing in additional income while completing your studies. Remember to prioritize school over your business and practice self-care as needed.