How Job Seekers Can Manage Anger During the Job Search


So, you’ve received a notice from a company where you interviewed that stated that the company would not be making a job offer; at least not to you, not at this time. How do you react? Do you immediately go online and bad mouth the company in your Twitter and Facebook pages? Do you send recruiters angry emails? Job seekers who are reacting this way, might need support with managing anger in the job search.

A colleague in Human Resources shared a story of a job seeker who she felt could have used these tips to manage his anger in the job search. During a job interview, the job seeker asked several times about the interviewers' perception of his job skills. He asked about next steps in the selection process and sought confirmation right there in the job interview that he had what the company was seeking. He stated that since he matched the job description perfectly nothing could possibly disqualify him as the candidate. When my colleague told the job seeker there were job interviews to be completed afterwards, the job seeker asked angrily, "Why do you need to interview others, after you know that I can do the job?" The job seeker ultimately was escorted away by building security since he chose to sit in the lobby to see if others were being interviewed .

The recruiter understood the job seeker's anger and frustration, It appeared he had been without work for a long time. However, the job seeker's angry behavior during and after the job interview, disqualified him from further consideration, and unfortunately, the job seeker worked against his best interest.

It is rare to see job seekers displaying anger during the job interview process, since most people want to be at their best during job interviews.

Feeling disappointed when we don't receive a job offer, especially if we were really interested in the job, is understandable. Some amount of anger in the job search is even understandable if a job seeker has been unemployed for a long time.

Job seekers who find their frustration level building might consider these tips to help them manage anger in the job search.

  1. Allow yourself the right to sulk and mope for a specified period of time after receiving disappointing news. Twenty-four to forty eight hours might be a good place to start.

  2. Treat yourself after disappointing news. The treat doesn't have to be expensive. It could be as simple as going to a movie or buying a new book.

  3. Have a job-search-buddy willing to take your phone call when you need extra job search emotional support.

  4. Start a career journal to document your feelings as you transition through the job search.

  5. Stay positive and repeat this mantra - "Every disappointment is for a purpose. I just need to find the purpose."

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