Claflin Online Masters Degree Program in the Biotechnology of Climate Change


Great news in the fight against Climate change! Claflin University is now accepting students for the August 2022 launch of their new Online Masters’ Degree Program in the Biotechnology of Climate Change. It is the only program of its kind where you’ll gain a high value Masters of Science Degree in Biotechnology that is specifically geared to applying Biotechnology to fight and mitigate the effects of Climate Change. 

This two-year, 10 course program, will allow students to earn a high paying job while at the same time working to save the planet. The curricula will teach things such as the genetic engineering of crops towards drought and/or heat resistance to achieve real food security. It will teach vaccine and drug design, and the identification and mitigation of emerging diseases made possible by warming climates.

Claflin University is one of the nations top 10 HBCUs and has a proven track record of teaching to a wide variety of learning styles in a culturally inclusive manner. Join them in their efforts to improve the world by joining our program.

Program details:

  • Starts August 2022 - enroll now!

  • GRE not required

  • Undergraduate degree in STEM field

  • 30 credit, two year program

  • Fully online

How will the program be formatted?

This program is a fully online, two-year program, leading to a Masters of Science Degree in Biotechnology specifically focused on the use of biotechnology to mitigate the effects of climate change. It features 10 courses (30 credit hours) that can be taken synchronously (live) or watched online asynchronously at your convenience.

What skills will you learn?

You will learn such skills as molecular biology and genetic engineering techniques for increasing heat and drought tolerance in crops, drug design techniques for vaccines and therapeutics for many of the diseases emerging as a result of climate change, as well as ethical and regulatory issues in developing climate change mitigation strategies.

What are the employment prospects like for the field of BioTech?

Biotechnology industries accounted for 1.3 million jobs in the U.S. in 2019, representing around 1% of the nation’s jobs. In the past ten years biotechnology jobs have grown at a substantial pace of 19%, outpacing growth across all industries (13%). This growth is positive news in terms of wealth creation as the average total earnings for biotechnology jobs in 2019 were nearly double that of all jobs, at $128,248 versus $67,979. Biotechnologists are expected to be in particularly high demand. In addition, specializations related to food production, food security, emerging diseases, vaccine and medicine development, bioremediation, sustainable energy production, bio-fuel development and cultivation, and other “green jobs” are particularly promising fields.