Uptick In Girls and Black Kids Studying Computer Science in High School

It has been true for years that certain demographics, including women have long been underrepresented in STEM fields. This is true specifically in the Computer Science field. A new study is suggesting a change could be coming  because of a boost in the number of girls and black kids studying computer science in the AP Computer Science Principles class in high school.



The study, conducted by the College Board, reports a 121 percent increase in the number of black students taking the class since it was first introduced three years ago. The number of females entering the course has shot up by 136 percent.

Moreover, the number of black students who passed the AP exam with a 3 or higher has jumped 118 percent. For Latinos that figure sits at 116 percent.  AP exams are scored from one to five, with one being the worst and five the best. Scoring a three of higher means the student can now bypass remedial courses in the subject once they're college bound.

Article by Raz Robinson, journalist and freelance writer, based in New York City and Philadelphia. You can connect with him on LinkedIn, follow him on Twitter @razrobinson or send an email at Rrob0904 (at) gmail (dot) com.