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Career Support from Freshman to Forever

Join 18,300+ HBCU community members making moves in their careers! Get exclusive notifications about free workshops with leading career coaches, career news, and jobs & internships sent to your inbox.

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We support career success in the communities served by America's Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

The HBCU Career Center was founded in 2007 for students and professionals underrepresented and left out of the expensive career management market. We educate around job search skills, workplace realities and employment equity and support the career and professional goals of students, alumni and the broad HBCU community. Our offerings include career and job search resources, as well as a job and internship board to connect employers with talent. Our focus is to keep Historically Black Colleges and Universities respected, resilient and relevant.


Find the Opportunity for You

The HBCU Career Center job board includes hundreds of jobs and internships across industries. Connect with employers that value the HBCU legacy today.


Career Strategy Office Hours with Dr. R

Need help figuring out your next career move? Do you have a burning career related question that you don’t trust the internet to answer?

Talk one-on-one with HR Executive and founder of The HBCU Career Center, Dr. Robinson, for up to one hour, sponsored by The HBCU Career Center.

With 25 years of experience in HR and Career Development Education, Dr. R has probably seen it all. If you’ve ever wanted to talk job search and career strategy with an HR Executive, this is for you.



Upcoming Workshop


The pace of Artificial Intelligence adoption in our daily lives and our workplaces is not slowing down! At The HBCU Career Center, we like to say: The Future of Work is here! As we continue to see companies invest in AI to realize competitive value, we also hear about the disruptions in our work and lives that that AI will bring.

The World Economic Forum predicts advanced technologies such as AI, robotics and machine learning will replace approximately 85 million jobs by 2025. We have to reimagine work together! In this session we'll discuss:

• The expanding impact of Knowledge Work Automation
• Creating your quit-your-job-before-your-job-quits-you plan
• Impact of AI on recruiting and employment practices
• How to navigate the uncertainty to improve personal alignment with our work


Career Blog

Stay up to date on career tips, employment trends and other professional opportunities.



We want more employers to recruit and Hire HBCU students and graduates! It is really that simple. For over a decade we have encouraged employers to post jobs and internships to share their opportunities in the HBCU community.
