How to do the Work of Networking


There are a few ways to network effectively before and during your job search. You can cast a wide net, join multiple organizations and get involved in a variety of ways. Or, if you are more introverted, you can identify the networking style that works best for you. Here are a few ways to go beyond just having a large network and master the work involved in networking.

Networking individually:

  • Effectively use social media outlets like LinkedIn and X/Twitter: Research target companies, connect with recruiters and hiring managers and engage with them online, Top Resume suggests. Start conversations, build a rapport and gauge when/if you can send them your LinkedIn profile or resume (if they ask). 

  • Engage by helping others: Identify needs and offer solutions. Respond to requests for help. Volunteer with nonprofits remotely or participate in service activities in person.

  • Re-establish old connections with people you've lost contact with: Forbes suggests that you be "genuinely curious about the individual's situation." As you create new relationships you can also deepen existing ones.

Networking organizationally: 

Identify organizations you are willing to be an active participant in and set yourself up for long-term networking success: Check out career related organizations like NABJ, NSBE, Black Teacher Project as well as alumni associations. People in these organizations will have helpful information, know people who can connect you to others or serve as a direct connect. Further, these types of organizations allow you to be a connector as well – creating a reciprocal relationship.

  • Engage in Person: Attend and actively participate in events, meetings and service projects sponsored by organizations. Your participation helps to establish your presence and character and thus makes it easier for people to vouch for you and promote you. When you connect and meet new people at these events, TopResume encourages you to, "follow up" and connect with them on social media accounts. 

  • Engage Virtually Using Social Media: Connect with these organizations and their members online. Respond to member posts, ask questions, and offer information. Forbes also suggests that acquiring knowledge and engaging with key people around this knowledge can help you get ahead and stay relevant; you can do this online with members' of the organizations you are actively a part of.

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