The HBCU Career Center

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Soft Skills You Could Build in a Vocational Training Program

In addition to the practical knowledge that vocational training program graduates develop, these five soft skills also make them attractive to employers.

These days, there are plenty of in demand jobs that two-year technical college degrees can prepare you for. As Americans rethink the options for career training that will make them job ready for 21st century careers, they are taking a new look at vocational training.

Career training and vocational programs for adults not only focus on the specialized, hands-on skills employers want; they also focus on helping adults develop those soft skills and workplace behaviors that that will make them successful in the workplace.

Teamwork from projects and practical, hands-on classes

Vocational programs focus on teaching the skills necessary to hit the ground running in the job market. Teamwork and project management are often incorporated in classroom experiences and graduates from vocational programs should market these skills to employers.

Time Management
Vocational programs often require an intense time commitment. Time management is definitely one of the soft skills employers look for with new hires and so completion of a vocational program shows good ability to manage time, stay organized to complete goals.

Some career training and vocational training programs offer on-line, on-site or hybrid classes at different times to suit adult students who have to work around family commitments. Employers are impressed with vocational training graduates who show that they mastered the flexibility necessary to juggle life and finish a program at the same time.

Determination and Motivation
Completing a vocational program or a career training certificate shows the employer a student's level of determination and motivation to succeed. This is a characteristic that employers value and look for in new candidates. The hope is that graduates will bring this skill into the workplace as well.

Industry Knowledge
Because vocational programs are shorter than a bachelor's degree, graduates often know the most current, specific industry buzzwords and phrases. Graduates of vocational training programs who use these industry buzzwords in a resume to demonstrate knowledge, will attract the attention of recruiters and hiring managers who are using these buzzwords to screen resumes to find the right candidate.

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