The HBCU Career Center

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Professional References are Everywhere on Campus

professional references on campus

We know the importance of getting support from professionals who share positive words about our skills and competencies.

Find Professional References on Campus

Many college students build great professional relationships with college administrators, coaches, program coordinators and faculty on their college campuses.  However, many students overlook  these people when they start to look for professional references as they search for jobs and internships.

If you are graduating or looking for internships, start thinking about  who you know on campus who might be willing to be a professional reference for you.

The ability to have professional references from your campus, where you have spent four or more years, is a good indicator of your ability to build relationships.

Tips to Find Professional References on Campus

  • Be nice. No college professional you meet is obligated to be a professional reference for you.

  • Be professional. Whether you ask in person or by email, stay professional. This email message should be void of text messaging lingo.

  • Be timely.  Chances are, you aren't the only person asking for a professional reference letter. Give the person ample time to get a good letter completed for you. I have had students ask me on a Monday with a Thursday deadline. Although I always got it done for the student, a few times, I have had to say "No" because I just did not have the time.

Keep in mind that a classmate might ask you to write one for them too. This is something you should know how to do as well.  Read the 9 Key Elements of a Good Reference Letter.