The HBCU Career Center

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Navigating Your Career Journey: Find Your Passion and Pursue your Purpose!

Do you see your future self utilizing the degree you earned in school?  Are you in a “career” you love and are passionate about? At all stages of our careers, at some point, we may all ask ourselves these very questions. In today’s fast paced and ever-changing job market, it’s not unusual to question some of our career choices or find difficulty being resolute about our personal purpose. My latest e-book, Now What? 12 Strategies To Landing The Career You’ll Love, Not Tolerate, speaks to these concerns.  

This e-book covers 12 strategies that will guide you as you navigate your career journey. It is an easy read that provides proven and impactful ways you can immediately drive changes in your career. Applicable to a range of audiences, the 12 strategies covered can be used as a foundational resource for recent college graduates looking to explore their career choices, mid-career professionals looking to pivot or seasoned professionals looking to jump back in the job-market.

The book also shares contemporary job search strategies with an emphasis on social media resources and personal branding approaches that allow job seekers to better stand out and attract employers and recruiters alike.  

Now What? 12 Strategies To Landing The Career You’ll Love, Not Tolerate will help people of all ages rediscover their passion, uncover their purpose and navigate the complex world of job hunting, career development and career pivoting.

My Road to Writing Now What? 12 Strategies To Landing The Career You’ll Love, Not Tolerate

One day, my significant other applauded me for all the “amazing” things I was working on and the wealth of knowledge that I strive to provide job seekers. He suggested I write a book and basically wrote down some of the great nuggets of information I had already been sharing. 

I have had fleeting moments in the past where I thought about the possibility of writing a book. However, the thought of writing a book and all that it would entail scared me. It was daunting to say the least. Over time, I slowly warmed up to the idea and one day I opened a Canva account and just started writing!

My desire to help others quell their fears and anxiety around figuring out what their professional personality is and what career will feed their “Passion and their Pockets” (P.A.P.) was the most important reason I wanted to share these career strategies. It’s a resource I wish I had when I was just starting out in my career.

One of the key takeaways of this book is self-discovery. Now What? 12 Strategies To Landing The Career You’ll Love, Not Tolerate encourages us to examine our strengths, values, and interests, and enables us to align our career choices with our authentic selves, while providing real-time and practical strategies to land the Career You’ll Love, Not Tolerate.

There is truth in the saying,

“Choose a career you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life” - Confucius.

Suddenly, the motivation, the passion and the fire to do said job is so much easier!

About Debbie Douglas “The Talent Whisperer”

As someone who has been on both sides of the job hunt as a job applicant as well as a recruiter;,I have a unique perspective that I can share with others to assist them on this at-times-scary journey!

I’ve been working in the field of Human Resources for 20+ years, with a focus on Talent Acquisition within the media and entertainment fields. This has afforded me the opportunity to provide job access and opportunities to people of all walks of life and at all all levels of their careers. My passion is helping others and Talent Acquisition allows me to support others in achieving their career goals and make the perfect “employee/employer” match. They don’t call me the “Talent Whisperer” for nothing! I have several years of experience speaking on panels, leading workshops, making guest appearances on podcasts, and providing input for articles.

I love providing knowledge that can help others better understand what employers are looking for, how to properly network, how to craft a strong online presence, ace interviews and so much more.

Learn more about Now What? 12 Strategies To Landing The Career You’ll Love, Not Tolerate here.