The HBCU Career Center

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3 Reasons You Should Find a Career Coach

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Are you nearing graduation and having trouble finding a full-time job? Or are you looking to transition into a new career? When you need assistance finding a job or developing your skills, a career coach can help you meet your professional goals. Career coaching is a popular go-to for people who want professional development to obtain their ideal careers. 

If you’re not sure how a career coach can benefit you, check out these three reasons why you should hire a career coach.

You don’t know your next step.

Some professionals come to a place in their careers where they feel they can no longer move up. Or, there is an opportunity for growth in their company, but they aren’t interested in taking that particular path. Career coaches help provide clarity for professionals who are unsure of what their next career step should be. They can review your accomplishments and aspirations to help you make the right decision for your career.

You’re dealing with trauma from your previous or current job.

Dealing with toxic workplaces can be difficult to overcome. Many professionals unintentionally take that trauma into their next role, which can pose more challenges. A career coach can help professionals address those previous experiences to rebuild confidence and find the best job opportunities.

You’ve had several interviews but no job offer yet, or you’ve sent out several resumes with no interview invites

If you’ve put a lot of energy into applying to jobs and have even landed interviews but haven’t gotten a job offer yet, career coaches can help. A coach can assess your problem areas to ensure you’re giving stellar responses to common interview questions and instill the confidence needed to perform well during an interview. 

If you’re in college, you may already have access to career coaches on your campus’s career center. For others, search through Google or LinkedIn to find career coaches with expertise in your field. 

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